Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Birthday

Saturday night Jason took me to the Melting Pot for dinner and then to see the show "Dreamgirls". He planned the whole night and didn't tell me where we were going. It was a lot of fun.
Sunday we went to Wahoo's for lunch with Lisa, Rudy and the family. We went back to our house for cake. You know how I love my cake!!!! :)


The Wiersma Family said...

Happy Birthday Shan, looks like you had a great time!

Nana/MOMMY said...

Happy Birthday Honey, I soo wish I could have been there with you all.. I love you sooooooo much. I'm glad you had a terrific day,

Team Harry said...

Awe!! I wish I could've been there too!! Glad you had fun!! Can't wait to celebrate you in a couple weeks!!

I'm a little upset that Jason stole my date night idea and took you to Melting Pot! Oh well...we'll just have to go again ; ) hee hee

Love you Shan!! I'm so thankful to have a true friend like you in my life! Happy Birthday!