Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day!

5:45 AM - Opened Presents!!!! NO, I am not joking
11:30 AM - Went to Movies....Saw Alvin and the Chipmunks "The Squeakual"
3:30 PM - Went to Lisa's for Christmas Dinner
7:00 PM - Came home and the boys (and Jason) played Lego Guitar Hero until they went to bed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Um... We all now know who runs the show in the Mauch home! 5:45??? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING!!
You are a better Mom then me cause I'd yell and tell them to go back to bed!!

Is Jason training the boys to be fighters?? Tell em to be Lovers, Not fighters ; ) They are such cute boys! Have girls started calling yet?

XOXXO--- Jess

The Mauchs said...

They will be lovers and they will also be able to kick some booty.

Dad was up a 5:45 too... :)