Sunday, May 23, 2010

Texas - Day 2

On Friday, we went in to Dallas.
We went to the Galleria (aka: The Mall) we shopped, ate, shopped some more, and....ate some more! :)


The Mauchs said...

I just noticed that You and Jess have the same eyes... Weird.

Team Harry said...

She is like my clone! In more ways then one ; )

I had such a great time with you Shannon! I love how comfortable we are around each other!! You are an amazing friend! I can't wait til you come back next year!!
Thanks Jason for sending her out here every year and seeing the importance of our friendship! It means a lot to me!

The Mauchs said...

I am not going to touch the clone comment.

She needs the time away from us boys and i know she would not want to be anywhere else.

The Mauchs said...

Ah...thank you both!
Babe, thanks for always sending me and knowing how much it means to me.
Jess, thanks for always letting me invade your home!
I love you both!