Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last 2 Day's of School

WOW! I cannot believe my boy's just finished 4th grade. :(
The last 2 days have been so busy though.
They had their school field day and picnic at the park and then yesterday on the last day of school.....they had the awards ceremony, where Nick got 2 awards. One is for Academic Excellence and the other was for citizenship of the year for his class! Awesome job huh?!
After school, we had 15 boys over to the house for a swim party! OMG!!!! That was a bit much! But....they had a great time and will always remember it.


The Mauchs said...

Great job boys. You both did an outstanding job this year. You make me proud.

I love you

Team Harry said...

You are such a fun MOM!!

Congrats Boys!! I pray God Blesses you and you experience more of him in 5th grade!!

The Mauchs said...

It was Dads idea.