Friday, June 22, 2012

Last Day of 6th Grade!

Nick and his Teacher

The Boy's Pool Party 
Crazy Hair Boy's! 
The Boy's "Graduation Gifts". :) 
Chris and his Teacher 

The boy's graduated from 6th Grade last week, and will be moving on to Middle School next year. :(
They were at their school for 7 years.  The boys are great kids and never got in trouble in all their years there and we cannot be more proud of them.  They both got awards on the last day of school.  Nick got all 5's and Chris got all 4's.  We had a little celebration at our house after school for just a few kids, but they had  a great time. 


Krystle said...

SO SO SOOO Proud of them! I can't believe they will be in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! WHYYYYY!! They are making me feel old! ;)

The Mauchs said...

Lol, you make me laugh. I know! How did they get so old. :-( at least they are still sweet boys. Just pray for those middle school years!