Monday, November 10, 2008


The boys were asked to finish out the season on a ayso team that was 0-8 on the season. They played there first game this last saterday and they WON!!!!! The team and the parents were so happy for the boys coming out and giving the team what they needed to pull off the win. The score was 7-3.
For me it is weird because this is the first time i have not been one of the coaches. I can tell you that it is hard to sit and not open my mouth. Basketball is starting up so i will get do all the talking i want. Tommorow is our first practice and i have 9 kids, which is perfect so when we practice i can be the fith player on one of teams. I am just as much a kid as the others (ask Shan) so it will be great. I will always be a kid at heart it is no fun being an adult. :)

1 comment:

Team Harry said...

Great job Chris and Nick!!

David Beckham better watch out!!

Love those action shots!!!