Monday, November 10, 2008

Go Nick..Go Nick..

On November 5th, the day after it was announced that we now have a new President "Elect", the boys had a Flag Ceremony at school where they said the Pledge around the Flag Pole and then sang for the whole school. Following the Flag Ceremony, was an award accembly where Nick got an award for being a Super Citizen and Respectfulness. Nick is such a great student and we are very proud of him for trying so hard and being such a good kid! Great Job NICK!!!
Chris is always super happy for his brother. If you look closely in the picture, you can even see him in the far left corner smiling (like always) when his brother got his award. :)

1 comment:

Team Harry said...

Thats Awesome Nick!! Keep up the hard work!! I hope your Mom took you for an ice cream cone!!

Chris' heart has always been so sweet!! I love seeing him in the background!! Don't you love when you see sweet things from our kids when you aren't even looking for it?? : )